Saturday, 23 August 2014

Box of junk, or so i thought....

For the past couple of weeks I've had such an urge to go out and spend lots of money, but I resisted and ended up clearing out my big box of "junk". When I look at what was in there I'm so glad I did, it has stopped me going out and splurging. 

You can see from the first photo a snapshot of what I found and some of this stuff I totally love and other I can see why they were thrown in here. Needless to say some of it is now in my beauty drawers and being cared for like they should have been a while ago. 

Here's a little list of what I found:

Urban Decay - NYC - This is the coolest palette I have ever bought. The colours in it are amazing and the look is just genius! The scene and lights when you open the lid to get to the mirror is so quirky. 

No7 Beautiful skin hot cloth cleanser - Have yet to try this.....will be giving it a go this week.

Insette Clubbers Hairspray - This stuff is like glue, its great for throwing in your bag on a day/night out. 

212 Sexy - 212 is one of my favourite scents, the original is my fave but this is lovely too and  always happy to find some perfume.

Herbal Essences Beautiful Ends Split End & Protection Serum - My hair has been so dry lately (think I blogged about the straw like texture that is going on right now...yuk). This serum is amazing and smells lush!

Templespa Eyes Open Wide Gentle Eye Lotion - never tried this, think I won it at a spa party.  The smell isn't too nice (very herbal like but then some people like this plant scent). Worth giving it a go as its meant to reduce dark circles. 

St Tropez Instant Tan Light/Meduim wash off - this was a little freebie I picked up. The colour seems quite dark for it stating light to medium. Theres a reason why this was put in the "junk" box.

Kleenex Shine Absorbing Sheets - not much to say about these apart from...they should be in every girls handbag for a quick fix.

Benefit Eye Cream - yep these will be getting used. Meant to reduce dark circles and as you may have read in one of my first posts I have really been struggling to battle this (so if you have any product suggestions please comment) 

Fat Hair Thickening Spray - I have a lot of hair but its very fine so lets hope this does something for me ;) 

Avon Advance Tecniques Bodifying Foam - I have been using the the past few days and it does lift at the roots, the smell is absolutely lush too. If you are looking for something with a gorgeous smell this is the stuff to go for. 

Tony and Guy Shimmer Mist for Brunettes - OMG there is no shadow of doubt why I haven't been using this. Look at the pic below!!! Imagine that in your hair when you get caught in the rain, erm no thanks......BIN. That's all I'm saying.

So the moral of this story is....if you are ever in the mood to splurge have a look in those places you throw things, you might be in for a little surprise and save yourself in the process. 

Thank for reading.


Sunday, 17 August 2014

Weekly Favourite


Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water

Until recently I had always used face wipes to remove my makeup (to some people face wipes to remove makeup is a sweary word). For years I have ready so much that wipes don't do your skin any favours, so I went to Boots and bought this cleansing water.

On the bottle it states its suitable "even for sensitive skin" it also states that it "removes make-up + cleanses + soothes. No Rinsing". All of this to me is spot on. My skin has been great since I started using this and it effectively removes my make-up. The formula is just like water (little hint in the name there Claire....doh) which is fantastic and it leaves you feeling refreshed. 

When I use this (which is every day) I always follow up with an eye make-up remover just to make sure all that mascara has gone, I then use either a face wash or my 4 in 1 cleanser called Peaches Clean by Soap and glory. 

This Garnier Micellar Water cost me less than £4 as it was on offer at the time and you can pretty much purchase it at any main drugstore or supermarket. 

Definitely a staple in my daily routine now, I really love it and would say if you are thinking about not using wipes anymore this is the stuff to buy.


Saturday, 16 August 2014

HELP...which brushes?!?


HELP....I'm looking for some new brushes for my eye makeup and I find myself swaying between these two brands. Obviously E.l.f are much cheaper and you get more for your money (well maybe not obviously, for those of you that don't know E.l.f is a kind of budget cosmetic brand and they always have mega deals on, which you may have seen from previous blogs) I have some face brushes from E.l.f and they are fantastic but this doesn't stop me thinking that I should really try RealTechniques. 

This argument I am having with myself comes from watching so many YouTube videos of makeup tutorials and the RealTechniques brushes feature in a LOT of them.

Does anyone have advice for me? Or even other brands that have awesome eye brushes? I'm all ears....(should really say all eyes because I will be reading it, but you know what I mean)

Thanks lovely people 

Friday, 15 August 2014

E.l.f discount code...

E.l.f.....why do you do this to me?!?! 

40% off everything on E.l.f website until 15/08/14. £20 minimum spend.

Click here for the UK website 


Thursday, 14 August 2014

AVON - First Impressions

If you follow me on Twitter you may have read that I was a little excited to receive my AVON order (in fact I blogged about my excitement, sad I know) I didn't want to do another haul by blog as that can be quite boring....right? So I decided to try out what I bought and give you all my first impressions.


This shimmer block is great for giving you variety as the 5 colours can be mixed altogether or worn separate. It is also multi-functional so can be work as an eyeshadow or a blush. There is a good mix of colours here so I would think there is something that would suit everyone. When you apply this the colour pay off is not as good as it can be. You can still get the results you want but with a bit more work than really should be required. Small gripe but where is the mirror?? For something so versatile I can't understand why there isn't a mirror.....just sayin'!
This cost me £4 but retails normally for £6.


I purchased this on a "last chance to buy" so unless places are a campaign behind you wont be able to get this one anymore. The main reason I got this body oil was for when I apply gel nails, I'm sick of misplacing all those small bottles of oil and it was costing me a fortune replacing them. The smell of this is lush and absorbs in to the skin really well. Pleased with this little purchase. 
I paid £2.50 for this.


Now my gripe with this again is....where is the mirror AVON? Loads of the packaging has little mirrors and yet the things that would benefit most from a mirror don't have one (rant over) However, in saying that, the product itself is very good. It applies very well and really does hide what you want it to. If you are a beginner to these types of correctors then it may be difficult to use unless you keep the cut out from the booklet that shows you what colour does what. For mum has this and had to cut out the guide from the AVON book to keep herself right. 
I paid £7 for this but retails for £10.50.


This is a new product from AVON, so of course I had to buy it. I don't think pictures of this product show the true colour of the blush (even in the AVON book) The pink side is more of a rose colour and is really gorgeous, the pigmentation is great. The highlighter side is a little too glittery for me but that's not to say I wont wear it - it will make an appearance on nights out etc. I have moaned enough about the packaging of the other products but with this one praise where praise is due....its lovely and sleek and comes with a MIRROR! Great for popping in your bag. 
I paid £5 for this but its normally £8


This is really good to use. I love how it twists up and down and you don't have to flap about looking for a sharpener when it gets low. When I tested this I didn't think it was going to last as goes on very silky, but let me tell you as soon as this sets it ain't budging. This colour may have been a little dark for me but with a lighter hand I'm sure I will cope and it just means I will need to try the blonde colour.
I paid £3 but is normally £6.


I've never been one for using lip liner but the notion took me and just went for it. Whenever I try something like this I'm never sure if I have ordered the right colour or not. This colour was just the one for me. It has been worn every day since I got it as it gives such a natural outline. Very silky to apply but when it sets it stays in place. And like the brow definer I love that the packaging is twistable. Deffo don't regret getting this.
I paid £3 but normally £6.

That's my first impressions then guys. On the whole very impressed with the products I got. AVON isn't spoken about enough in the beauty world (that's just my opinion).

I purchased these from the AVON book but you can order online here.

Much love,

Monday, 11 August 2014

E.l.f Haul

You may have seen that I posted a blog the other day to let you all know that E.l.f cosmetics had a 50% off everything sale. I had been waiting on this since the last one back in july so was in my element when it came back on. In total I spent £32 and received 17 products for this. 

I ordered all this on the Friday and received my package the following thurday. From the picture below you can see it was all packaged very well. Each item comes in its very own box or packet which is fantastic for how little all this cost me. 

To make this a little easier I have numbered each of the products I bought. I'm not going to ramble on im just going to get right in to this....

1. High Definition Powder - I had no idea what this was until I looked it up. Seemingly it's meant to create a flawless "soft focus" effect to the skin and mask fine lines and imperfections. A lot of make-up artists use this for photo shoots. This hasnt been used yet but the effects on the back of my hand seem to do what it says on the tin. I will start using this and keep you all updated on what its like on the face. 

2. Tone Correcting Powder - For all of you that read my blog will have seen me write about my complexion being all over the place just now so when I seen this nifty little palette on their website I knew I had to get it. This hasnt been used yet either. The pigmentation from swatching it doesnt seem great but can tell it will really matte out uneven skin tones. Watch this space...

3. Blush (left pic - mellow mauve & right pic - twinkle pink) - Mellow Mauve is a very matte finish which is good. The only thing I will say about this one is the pigmentation could be a little better. Twinkle Pink is very good with regards to the pigmentation but a little too glittery for me, it will be good on a night out. I would also say that this is a little more on the peachy side. Rumour has is that sometimes the same colours of blush may be better quality than others?! Personally I cannot comment on this but would love to know what others think.

4. Warm Bronzer - The colour pay off from this bronzer is fantastic. Really love how it can be used in so many ways. You can use each colour individually or mix them all together which makes is great for highlighting and contouring. This has been used every day since i got it. 

5. Translucent Matifying Powder - This stuff is fantastic. I have never been a fan of those oil dabby thingys for your face out on the go but this to me seems to replace that. Just dab a little on the oily places on your face and it really does matify. Handy sponge with it too and the mirror inside makes life sooooo easy.

6. Plumping Lip Glaze - The idea with this is to put the white end on your lips first then the colour but I find this too slippery and the colour pay off isnt good at all. It has a minty feel to it and gives a very very slight plumping effect but I have to say I'm slightly dissapointed with this and thing there are far better "budget" plumping lip glosses out there. 

7. Moisurizing Lipstick (as stated on the lippy)- I'm impressed with this lipstick. Feels really soft and nourishing on the lips and the colour pay off is good too. This is colour Pink Minx and really good for every day wear. It doesnt have any glitter in it but not matte at the same time.

8. Mineral Lip Tint - This applies too sheer, its almost like a crappy lipgloss. Deffo not long lasting. I got this in colour Blush. It tastes good but that the only good thing I can say about it. 

9. Lipstick (left pic - Sociable & right pic - Seductive) - These lippys are the cheaper ones that E.l.f sell. Very Impressed with these for like £1 each. The colour pay off is great and they apply really well. Not too shimmery either. The only bad point about these is the packaging, when you twist the lippy up on both of these they jam ever so slightly but I can live with that. 

10. Makeup Remover Pen - Great idea on paper but the main thing I will be using this for is tyding up my eye after attempting (attempting being the main word here) cat eyes with black eyeliner. At the weekend I had a little play about with this and the pen seems to retain what has just been wiped away so when you go to use it again the makeup you just wiped off transfers on to the skin again. Please inform me if I am using this wrong. 

11. Makeup brushes - From top to bottom:

  • Small Stipple Brush - I have watched a lot of YouTube videos and seen a lot of stipple brushes being used so when I seen this in the sale for £2 I couldnt resisist. The brush is so soft and is a great size to get right in to the smaller parts of your face. 
  • Stipple Brush - So you guessed it, this is the same as the small one but a bit bigger for the larger areas on your face. You can pretty much use these brushes with any product and it should give you a "flawless airbrushed look" So far so good, Im loving these.
  • Powder Brush - From all the brushes I bought this one is slowly becoming my favourite. I have been using this to buff out and blend in my liquid foundation and it works a treat. Leaves me with no patches and really works the foundation in to the skin. It does state on the packet that this brush is perfect for contouring but in my opinion its a little big for that (who uses brushes as stated on the packeging anyways??)
  • Pointed Foundation Brush - Great shape to this brush. I have been finding it perfect for blending in my concealer around my eyes, nose and mouth. Soft but firm (does that make any sense??) Really good brush.
  • Complexion Brush - This brush is very soft and flexible. Not something I would normally have picked up but have soon came to realise its great for applying powder for a matte finish. It evenly distributes over the whole face with very little effort. 
All these brushes were just under £2 each which is flipping fantastic for the quality, even at full price they are cheap as chips. 

And that it, thats everything I bought from E.l.f . Slightly mixed bag but on the whole I am impressed with this brand. The prices are so affordable especially when they hold a 50% off everything sale. Will deffo be looking out for this offer again. 

Hope you have enjoyed my E.l.f haul :)

Normally I would have uploaded a video to Youtube for this but I feel that I dont have the right editing apps yet so if anyone can help me here please email me. Contact details are on the tabs on my blog.


Thursday, 7 August 2014

Excited much?!?!

EEEK! I am super happy - both my Avon order and ELF order both arrived. Cant wait to get in about these to test out the stuff I have bought. I will do this ASAP and snap some photos so I can share what I got. Some ELF products are slightly random (for me anyway) so will have to watch a couple of tutorials on how to use them. 

Love the 50% off sales at ELF....I'm already excited for the next one they have!

Stay tuned to see what I bought 


Monday, 4 August 2014

Last Months Favourites (July)

Im going to list all my favs here and tell you why I have been loving them in the month of July....

SAMY Fat Hair Zero Calories Hairspray - This stuff has a super strong hold which has been brilliant when I have been wearing my hair up. Freezes it in place and doesnt leave it looking greasy. Word of warning though over using this product may dry your hair out.

AVON Advance Techniques Dry Ends Serum - this little bad boy have been my saving grace in July. I dyed over highlights back in June and when the REALLY hot weather hit, my hair just turned to straw at the ends (maybe a slight exaggeration here but you all know what I mean) I started applying this just after I styled my hair and it instantly boosts some of that lost moisture in to my dry ends. Would have been lost without this stuff.

AVON Makeup Fixing Spray - Right I love the summer and the sun and all that jazz but doesnt it just play havok with your makeup. I started fixing my makeup in place with the Avon Fixing Spray and as if by magic my makeup was staying in place....RESULT.

Soap & Glory Peaches Clean 3 in 1 - This is always a staple im my face routine - I use it at night to remove my make up and wash my face. Love the feelng once you wash it off. Literally feel like my skin can breath again after washing with this.

Maybelline 1,2,3 Perfect Foundation - My skintone has been all over the place lately so in June I took a trip to boots to hunt out a better coverage of foundation to even my face out. After about an hour of looking I stumbled across this. It has 3 different elements that evens out skintone. It has been working really well with my skin and love it because it is buildable.  Given me a little bit of my confidence back....WOOHOO.

Sleek Correct and Conceal Palette - Some of you may have seen my very first video on sun spots. This sleek palette is soooo affordable and does a fantastic job at covering my sun spot under my eye. Cant leave the house without this just now.

URBAN DECAY Sin Eye Primer - I have used this primer for years now and cant go past it. I love how it has a very slight colour to it, which means you can wear it on its own. I always use this to prime my eyes and my shadow never budges. It is a little more expensive than other brands but a little goes such a long way. Think I will always love this stuff.

Random Fav - Watching other bloggers beauty vids on YouTube....I am not kidding when I say I cannot get enough of these just now. They are all very inspring and very purse is now empty mind you as keep buying lots. 

So there you have it, my July favourites. I already have a couple of favs this month but you will have to wait till next month to see what they are....

Much Love

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Makeup Revolution - Eye Palettes

Before I start....yes I did get a bit carried away when purchasing these eye palettes (bearing in mind that I bought a similar amount from MUA and already have a few Urban Decay eye palettes) A girl can never have enough make up though and at least I have a wider variety to pick from now!

I had heard a lot about these Urban Decay eye palette dupes and thought to myself, "I seriously need to try some of these bad boys out" So as I do, I loaded up google and started researching. I came across two brands but Makeup Revolution really made an impression on me at first glance as the packaging looked really sleek for the amzing cost of £4. I added 1 to my basket then another, then another, then another and before I knew it I had ordered 6! They arrived a few days later packed amazingly. I couldnt wait to get my paws in to them. The size of the palettes are very generous - great value for money. The only negatives I have with regards to these palettes is the eyeshadows dont have names and there is no mirror in the palette, but saying that what am I expection for £4 each...ha.

So that gives you all a general idea of what they are like.....I'm going to swatch all the palettes now and explain what they are like. I will also name the higher end dupe (if there is one) and talk about the comparison. Here goes.....

Iconic 1 - DUPE for Urban Decay Naked 1
Iconic 2 - DUPE for Urban Decay Naked 2
Iconic 3 - DUPE for Urban Decay Naked 3

I'm going to talk about these 3 palettes separate to the rest as they are from the same 'family'. Iconic 1,2 & 3 are dupes for the rather pricey Urban Decay Naked palettes. Now I have Naked 1 and Naked 3 so can give these a fair comparison, and my honest opinion is that they are almost identical.

Near enought all the colours have great pigmentation and feel quite buttery which is lovely to apply. A small handful are slighly powdery, but I also think that the Naked palettes have a couple of powdery ones too. The matte colours are little less pigmented but just reapplying solves that issue.

I have been applying these with an Urban Decay primer and there has been no creases or rubbing off at all.....BONUS!!! my opinion, if you are on a budget or arent sure of what the Urban Decay palettes are going to look like, I would strongly suggest purchasing these. They are only £4 each which is a steal. The only thing I would like to see in the Iconic palettes is names of the shadows (Totes already mentioned that). In saying that.....can I really complain at the price of them! Put it this way I was going to purchase the Urban Decay Naked 2 palette but now I'm not going to bother as the dupe Is fantastic.

Essential Mattes
Essential Day to Night
Hot Smoked

Again I am going to write about these 3 palettes together as I think they are from the same colour family. 

As you can see from the pictures above the pigmentation in all these palettes is amazing, the only colour I was dissapointed with was the matte black which features in a couple of these palettes. The feel was very powdery and the colour was not intense enough for me. All the other colours I was very impressed with.

With the Essential Mattes palette I had my reservations as the matte colours in the Iconic palettes wasnt the best....but how wrong was i???? This has turned out to be my favourite from the 6 I bought.

These are all £4 too! Super duper affordable.....and dont you all think the packaging is pretty sleek and generous? 

Honestly, if you want to try something new but not spend a lot these are the answer. So many looks can be created on so little money, which is something we all like hearing. 

You can purchase these palettes here:

I hope this has been helpful. Thank you all for taking the time to read.

Claire xXx

Friday, 1 August 2014

E.l.f 50% OFF SALE!!!

This has made my night!!! Sale on until 10.30am 04/08/14. Minimum spend £20. And free delivery for a spend over £20!

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Let's get down to business!!!

Two weeks ago I decided to take the plunge and start my very own beauty blog, and what a very quick two weeks it has been! Every day has been a school day for me. Between learning the basics of blogger to figuring out how to make and upload a YouTube video it has been non stop. However I have to say I'm loving it. 

Personalising my Blogger page took me ages but I think I have got to grips with things on that front but what was stumping me was "how do I let people know about this?!?" I then discovered the site and will never look back....what an awesome site and so easy for me to connect with my fav bloggers. 

As I mentioned before I am trying out making YouTube vids - a few have been uploaded. Bare with me with this though as I'm still trying to figure out how to edit my vids and make them a little more relaxed....any hints and tips would be very much appreciated. 

Now that I have got to grips with the very basics I can now fully concentrate on my blog.....WOOHOO!!! 

Nothing that I blog about will be crazy expensive, I'm all about making the most of high street store. (Did you know that Dolce & Gabbana and L'oreal are owned by the same company???.....some amazing dupes withing the L'oreal range let me tell you for a fraction of the cost)

Hope you enjoy.....and as I said before please feel free to leave me some feedback on what you have seen so far. Hints and tips are valuable in the blogging world.

Peace out...


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

The Body Shop Mango Body Butter

This mango body butter is deffo one of my holy grail products in my skincare routine. I have been buying this for years now, and I just can't see past it. Other products are ok for me but always come back to this little beauty. 

I use this on my legs and it leaves them feeling super smooth not to mention the absolutely lush smell it has. Such a fresh scent. 

The mango body butter is for very dry skin....which I wouldn't say I have but let me tell you I don't care :) this just leaves you feeling soooo smooth especially after shaving. 

Certainly a must have ladies (and gents) 

You can pick this up from any Body Shop store for £13 or online at

I'm obviously not the only person to share these thought as its a best seller!!!

Go on....treat yourself! 


Thursday, 24 July 2014

URBAN DECAY Eye Palettes....

100% loving Urban Decay Naked 3 palette just now. I like the lighter colours so feel I can create a lot more looks with this. Every eyeshadow I have purchased in the last 3 years has been from Urban Decay (until now that is.....I have literally just ventured into the cheaper dupes of these palettes from MUA and Makeup Revolution, so when I have tried and tested these I will post my HONEST reviews!!) Maybe I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to eyeshadow but I feel I will always rate this brand as my all time favourite. 

You can see in the pics below the searched from Naked 3 and then Naked 1. Don't they all just look soooo amazing?!?! The pigmentation is amazing and the feel is sooo buttery. 

The only small criticism I have with these (especially Naked 3) is the fall out when applying. I have started to do my eyes first before any concealer or foundation due to this. This is a small thing to deal with mind you as I just freaking love these. 



Tuesday, 22 July 2014

My first beauty haul!!!

I was so impatient waiting on my deliveries from Superdrug and Avon to do my first haul and then remembered I had bought a few things in the last month. 

Follow me on Twitter - @ukbeautyreviews


Monday, 21 July 2014

My daily face products on a budget....

Keeping it simple....I was sick of paying loads for clinique (plus I'm a mummy now and some things had to change) so as I do, I took to the great www. to hunt out cheaper high street alternatives and this is what I have started using from (mainly) the Nivea range. I use No7 wipes as normally get them on offer ;) 

The face wash is Nivea Daily Essentials Refreshing Facial Wash for normal and combination skin. This smells lush and really does make your skin feel very refreshed. £3.49 from boots (on offer right now at £1.79) Amazing value for money. 

The next thing I use is the Nivea Light Moisturising Day Cream for normal and combination skin. You can see from the pic below that this is a thicker cream but let me tell you it absorbs fantastically. Doesn't feel heavy at all and for £3.99 (on offer right now for £1.99) from Boots it's a steal! 

Just before my make-up application I use the Nivea Express Hydration Primer for normal and combination skin. £4.99 from boots (on offer just now for £2.49). This is a very cooling and refreshing primer, very gel like as you can see in the pic below. I like it for this reason and does make applying foundation easier. However I do like my benefit primer as feel this "fills" my pores and gives me a better surface to work with. However for the price I don't think I can complain too much as it still does the job and will continue to use this until it has ran out. 

Overall the Nivea stuff get the thumbs up from me, it's great to see that you potentially could get all 3 of these products just now for £6.27. And even if not on offer just over £12. 

Follow me on Twitter @ukbeautyreviews


Avon gel finish nail enamel... normally I'm a gel nail kinda girl. In no way shape or form am I trained to do this but I do have my own kit at home and have self taught myself over the years. Also much cheaper than a 3 weekly visit to a salon to have them infilled. On top of that finding a nail polish I really liked was almost impossible. I have tried Jessica and OPI nail enamels and for the price thought they were nothing special. Had almost given up hope until Avon sent me a pot of GEL finish nail's fantastic!!!!

Granted it does take a bit longer to dry but really cant complain about that as I only needed to put one coat on. The coverage is brilliant and so is the will normally find it on offer for £3.50 but the max you will pay if its not on offer is £7 which is still really good comsidering the quality of this nail enamel.

Dont be confused by the name of this, it is a nail varnish NOT a gel.

The picture below shows me wearing just one coat of colour - Parfait Pink P807.

Why Avon cosmetics....

OK, so you may have read in my intro that I am an Avon rep. The main reason I do this is for the fantastic products they offer at budget prices. 

I want to review as many Avon products as I can in this part of my blog to demonstrate how awesome (or on the other hand, how terrible) they are. 

If you would like any reviews on any of the products you have seen from Avon please let me know. Honesty is the best policy and all that jazz...

I had a look online for Avon reviews and it kept sending me to links from the US....VERY frustrating to say the least, so here is a UK one. 

Enjoy folks....

Dark circles and sun spots under eyes YouTube vid

Here is the link for the tutorial on vanishing dark circles and sun spots.....

Dark circles and sun spots under eyes...

What to use....

Right, so please tell me there are plenty more of you out there with dark circles under your eyes? Mines is a combination of dark circles and sun damage. For the past few weeks I have been hunting high and low for something to camouflage these and the best products I found were the following: 

The pictures above are the PHWOARR PAINT in medium from the SEVENTEEN range in Boots and only costs £5.49. This is fantastic for covering the dark circles under the eyes. It doesn't leave you looking too "cakey", infact it doesn't leave you like that all. Very impressed with this little purchase. However as you can see from the pics below I have a darker spot on the outside corner of my eye and didn't think this gave a good enough coverage so I hit the net again looking at reviews from others. This is what I found......

So the SLEEK corrector pallete, colour 02, from Superdrug was a steal at £7. I love, love, LOVE this!!! It's has a 3 step process where you put the light cream on first over the "dark spot" then you pop the peachy colour concealer over that then set it with the powder. I cannot rate this product highly enough. 

As you can see in the pictures below the before and after photos really show how well these products work, and at the price you honestly can't go wrong. 

I have made a YouTube video showing how I put them on. Will upload the link as soon as I have put it up. 

Hope this helps :) 
