Monday, 21 July 2014

Dark circles and sun spots under eyes...

What to use....

Right, so please tell me there are plenty more of you out there with dark circles under your eyes? Mines is a combination of dark circles and sun damage. For the past few weeks I have been hunting high and low for something to camouflage these and the best products I found were the following: 

The pictures above are the PHWOARR PAINT in medium from the SEVENTEEN range in Boots and only costs £5.49. This is fantastic for covering the dark circles under the eyes. It doesn't leave you looking too "cakey", infact it doesn't leave you like that all. Very impressed with this little purchase. However as you can see from the pics below I have a darker spot on the outside corner of my eye and didn't think this gave a good enough coverage so I hit the net again looking at reviews from others. This is what I found......

So the SLEEK corrector pallete, colour 02, from Superdrug was a steal at £7. I love, love, LOVE this!!! It's has a 3 step process where you put the light cream on first over the "dark spot" then you pop the peachy colour concealer over that then set it with the powder. I cannot rate this product highly enough. 

As you can see in the pictures below the before and after photos really show how well these products work, and at the price you honestly can't go wrong. 

I have made a YouTube video showing how I put them on. Will upload the link as soon as I have put it up. 

Hope this helps :) 


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