Two weeks ago I decided to take the plunge and start my very own beauty blog, and what a very quick two weeks it has been! Every day has been a school day for me. Between learning the basics of blogger to figuring out how to make and upload a YouTube video it has been non stop. However I have to say I'm loving it.
Personalising my Blogger page took me ages but I think I have got to grips with things on that front but what was stumping me was "how do I let people know about this?!?" I then discovered the site and will never look back....what an awesome site and so easy for me to connect with my fav bloggers.
As I mentioned before I am trying out making YouTube vids - a few have been uploaded. Bare with me with this though as I'm still trying to figure out how to edit my vids and make them a little more relaxed....any hints and tips would be very much appreciated.
Now that I have got to grips with the very basics I can now fully concentrate on my blog.....WOOHOO!!!
Nothing that I blog about will be crazy expensive, I'm all about making the most of high street store. (Did you know that Dolce & Gabbana and L'oreal are owned by the same company???.....some amazing dupes withing the L'oreal range let me tell you for a fraction of the cost)
Hope you enjoy.....and as I said before please feel free to leave me some feedback on what you have seen so far. Hints and tips are valuable in the blogging world.
Peace out...