Thursday, 31 July 2014

Let's get down to business!!!

Two weeks ago I decided to take the plunge and start my very own beauty blog, and what a very quick two weeks it has been! Every day has been a school day for me. Between learning the basics of blogger to figuring out how to make and upload a YouTube video it has been non stop. However I have to say I'm loving it. 

Personalising my Blogger page took me ages but I think I have got to grips with things on that front but what was stumping me was "how do I let people know about this?!?" I then discovered the site and will never look back....what an awesome site and so easy for me to connect with my fav bloggers. 

As I mentioned before I am trying out making YouTube vids - a few have been uploaded. Bare with me with this though as I'm still trying to figure out how to edit my vids and make them a little more relaxed....any hints and tips would be very much appreciated. 

Now that I have got to grips with the very basics I can now fully concentrate on my blog.....WOOHOO!!! 

Nothing that I blog about will be crazy expensive, I'm all about making the most of high street store. (Did you know that Dolce & Gabbana and L'oreal are owned by the same company???.....some amazing dupes withing the L'oreal range let me tell you for a fraction of the cost)

Hope you enjoy.....and as I said before please feel free to leave me some feedback on what you have seen so far. Hints and tips are valuable in the blogging world.

Peace out...


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

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Tuesday, 29 July 2014

The Body Shop Mango Body Butter

This mango body butter is deffo one of my holy grail products in my skincare routine. I have been buying this for years now, and I just can't see past it. Other products are ok for me but always come back to this little beauty. 

I use this on my legs and it leaves them feeling super smooth not to mention the absolutely lush smell it has. Such a fresh scent. 

The mango body butter is for very dry skin....which I wouldn't say I have but let me tell you I don't care :) this just leaves you feeling soooo smooth especially after shaving. 

Certainly a must have ladies (and gents) 

You can pick this up from any Body Shop store for £13 or online at

I'm obviously not the only person to share these thought as its a best seller!!!

Go on....treat yourself! 


Thursday, 24 July 2014

URBAN DECAY Eye Palettes....

100% loving Urban Decay Naked 3 palette just now. I like the lighter colours so feel I can create a lot more looks with this. Every eyeshadow I have purchased in the last 3 years has been from Urban Decay (until now that is.....I have literally just ventured into the cheaper dupes of these palettes from MUA and Makeup Revolution, so when I have tried and tested these I will post my HONEST reviews!!) Maybe I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to eyeshadow but I feel I will always rate this brand as my all time favourite. 

You can see in the pics below the searched from Naked 3 and then Naked 1. Don't they all just look soooo amazing?!?! The pigmentation is amazing and the feel is sooo buttery. 

The only small criticism I have with these (especially Naked 3) is the fall out when applying. I have started to do my eyes first before any concealer or foundation due to this. This is a small thing to deal with mind you as I just freaking love these. 



Tuesday, 22 July 2014

My first beauty haul!!!

I was so impatient waiting on my deliveries from Superdrug and Avon to do my first haul and then remembered I had bought a few things in the last month. 

Follow me on Twitter - @ukbeautyreviews


Monday, 21 July 2014

My daily face products on a budget....

Keeping it simple....I was sick of paying loads for clinique (plus I'm a mummy now and some things had to change) so as I do, I took to the great www. to hunt out cheaper high street alternatives and this is what I have started using from (mainly) the Nivea range. I use No7 wipes as normally get them on offer ;) 

The face wash is Nivea Daily Essentials Refreshing Facial Wash for normal and combination skin. This smells lush and really does make your skin feel very refreshed. £3.49 from boots (on offer right now at £1.79) Amazing value for money. 

The next thing I use is the Nivea Light Moisturising Day Cream for normal and combination skin. You can see from the pic below that this is a thicker cream but let me tell you it absorbs fantastically. Doesn't feel heavy at all and for £3.99 (on offer right now for £1.99) from Boots it's a steal! 

Just before my make-up application I use the Nivea Express Hydration Primer for normal and combination skin. £4.99 from boots (on offer just now for £2.49). This is a very cooling and refreshing primer, very gel like as you can see in the pic below. I like it for this reason and does make applying foundation easier. However I do like my benefit primer as feel this "fills" my pores and gives me a better surface to work with. However for the price I don't think I can complain too much as it still does the job and will continue to use this until it has ran out. 

Overall the Nivea stuff get the thumbs up from me, it's great to see that you potentially could get all 3 of these products just now for £6.27. And even if not on offer just over £12. 

Follow me on Twitter @ukbeautyreviews


Avon gel finish nail enamel... normally I'm a gel nail kinda girl. In no way shape or form am I trained to do this but I do have my own kit at home and have self taught myself over the years. Also much cheaper than a 3 weekly visit to a salon to have them infilled. On top of that finding a nail polish I really liked was almost impossible. I have tried Jessica and OPI nail enamels and for the price thought they were nothing special. Had almost given up hope until Avon sent me a pot of GEL finish nail's fantastic!!!!

Granted it does take a bit longer to dry but really cant complain about that as I only needed to put one coat on. The coverage is brilliant and so is the will normally find it on offer for £3.50 but the max you will pay if its not on offer is £7 which is still really good comsidering the quality of this nail enamel.

Dont be confused by the name of this, it is a nail varnish NOT a gel.

The picture below shows me wearing just one coat of colour - Parfait Pink P807.

Why Avon cosmetics....

OK, so you may have read in my intro that I am an Avon rep. The main reason I do this is for the fantastic products they offer at budget prices. 

I want to review as many Avon products as I can in this part of my blog to demonstrate how awesome (or on the other hand, how terrible) they are. 

If you would like any reviews on any of the products you have seen from Avon please let me know. Honesty is the best policy and all that jazz...

I had a look online for Avon reviews and it kept sending me to links from the US....VERY frustrating to say the least, so here is a UK one. 

Enjoy folks....

Dark circles and sun spots under eyes YouTube vid

Here is the link for the tutorial on vanishing dark circles and sun spots.....

Dark circles and sun spots under eyes...

What to use....

Right, so please tell me there are plenty more of you out there with dark circles under your eyes? Mines is a combination of dark circles and sun damage. For the past few weeks I have been hunting high and low for something to camouflage these and the best products I found were the following: 

The pictures above are the PHWOARR PAINT in medium from the SEVENTEEN range in Boots and only costs £5.49. This is fantastic for covering the dark circles under the eyes. It doesn't leave you looking too "cakey", infact it doesn't leave you like that all. Very impressed with this little purchase. However as you can see from the pics below I have a darker spot on the outside corner of my eye and didn't think this gave a good enough coverage so I hit the net again looking at reviews from others. This is what I found......

So the SLEEK corrector pallete, colour 02, from Superdrug was a steal at £7. I love, love, LOVE this!!! It's has a 3 step process where you put the light cream on first over the "dark spot" then you pop the peachy colour concealer over that then set it with the powder. I cannot rate this product highly enough. 

As you can see in the pictures below the before and after photos really show how well these products work, and at the price you honestly can't go wrong. 

I have made a YouTube video showing how I put them on. Will upload the link as soon as I have put it up. 

Hope this helps :) 


Friday, 18 July 2014

A little about me...

Hey there everyone!!! Just wanted to start off by introducing myself..... I'm Claire and have decided to start blogging about make up and beauty products and a little bit about lifestyle. 

I find myself searching the web constantly for reviews of products and often jump from site to site to get a true indication of what I'm going to be purchasing. Soooooo....I thought instead of constantly reading reviews why not start writing about my own products. 

Anything from high end beauty products to high street goes with me, but I do like to get more for my money (especially now that I am a mummy!) so will go out my way to hunt out those cheaper altenatives. Now and again I love a splurge.....I am a girl after all. 

My main focus of this blog is to review mainly high street beauty products. I will show you alternatives to the high end equivalent, if there is one. There may also be the odd bit of lifestyle thrown in too because let's face it beauty isn't the only thing we can do to make ourselves feel good is it? There will be lots to read, my mind is exploding with all these great ideas (must buy a diary!!!) 

Anyhow that's just a little intro for now, keep you eyes out for the reviews starting :) 

Much love....